Japanese that Japanese doesn't know (2010)

Japanese that Japanese doesn't know (日本人の知らない日本語) is a 2010 drama that was aired on YTV by Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation in Japan. The drama has 12 episodes and each run for about 30 minutes long. It's a really interesting drama that is also partly based on the comic 日本人の知らない日本語 by Hebizo-sensei (蛇蔵先生).

The current comic by Hebizo-sensei

I spend about 2 ~ 3 days to complete the drama and it was a really nice drama. To me, it's a bit like GTO but slightly different due to that it's coming for a foreigner perspective. I really like the animation they put inside the show which make it much pleasant to watch. The drama also have Japanese subtitles which make you catch what the actors are saying easier too.

I definitely recommend the show to my Japanese learner readers and I really hope they would do a second season but it's near to impossible, I believed. Anyway, the main lead, Haruko-sensei (ハルコ先生) played by Naka Riisa (仲里依紗) is really cute and she is of the same age as me. Hahas.

For the synopsis of the drama, I will briefly share here. Haruko is a young graduate whom aspire to teach middle school students however, she was introduced by her mentor to teach at a Japanese language school. Through her teaching, she learned a lot of things from her foreign students and her students also learned many things about Japan too. Due to the exciting journey, she continues to teach at the language school.

Screen grab from the show

The theme song for the drama is also not bad, it's by Ghostnote (ゴーストノート). Sadly, I believed they have stop making music since then...there are no updates on Wikipedia about them.

僕君ビリーバー - ゴーストノート

Overall, good drama! I love the actors, the music and the plot too! I hope you guys would like it too. Okay, I guess I have finished wrapping up my thoughts on the drama in this post. Do sure to be back for another weekly update!!

Check out their official website at the below link, really interesting!!

Story Closed on 08.10.2017.

#weeklyupdates #weeklyposts #wjalmighty #jdrama #japanesedrama #drama #whatswatching #learningjapanese #japanese

Photo Credits:
- http://www.comic-essay.com/data/hash/YgFwPt1Htf.jpg
- http://www.ytv.co.jp/mydo/data_mcms/images/img_20171004180529395_6305500402221370285.jpg
- http://www.ytv.co.jp/mydo/data_mcms/images/img_20170927162348228_1770507420705401108.jpg
- http://www.ytv.co.jp/mydo/data_mcms/images/img_20170920173350092_1214757821696164550.jpg
- http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/d/strg/ctrl/9/34a7f2d21adba23474cfa8dd82b47396bb5e5025.
