results better be good!

Today, i have my last papers...very free liao, sorrie to all readers that i never updates my blog often,...thanks for the waiting bah. These are comments from mi of the exams. [shown below]

Easy Subjects: Science[Chemistry] and Mathematics.
Moderate Subjects: English, Chinese[MT], Social studies.
Hard Subjects: Science[Physics], History[source based Q].

Moderate Practicals: Science[Chemistry, Physics].

Conclusion of the prelium' exams: a certain level of difficulty is there, some questions required lots of calculation and thinkings. Physics actually makes the level and standard of the exams more high, its section B in paper 3 is very tough.
Prediction of O level standard: Moderate
Reasons: Prelium are always harder than O levels' but this time round, the prelium wasn't tough at all, if really get tough, it will not exceed the moderate standard of difficulty.

Advises: Do lots of ten years series questions and stay healthy always! Be alert and aware at times!Pay attention to teachers when going through prelium papers! Practise lots of high school papers eg; Raffles girls, Cedar girls, Chinese high' etc; it will help pull up euur level of understanding questions, in fact, gain experiences and knowledge!

Hope these all information can help euu to revise euur work and do well for O's...

signed off
