Project on halt

Project on halt
Another day had passed, been like staying back for projects and studying at home. Facebook applications are madness and addictive. Thanks to WenKai's recommendation, always ask me to play this and that. Hahas. "Don't win me lesser!"

Today, macroeconomics was a mess. I didn't really did or contribute much in the team. Feel quite guilty about it hence, there weren't much things to explore. I learnt about the labour demand and supply curve. Well, for the lessons till now, i had been reading through the internet and study the graphs. It's like almost every lesson had graphs for us to analsye. I don't think it's worth it to complain about it as i know everything in this world comes with a price.

My team and I had started coding on our FYP. Everything was quite smooth intially till when we started to change and change the layout of the interface. Hahas, that's where all the headaches came in. Because of the changes, now our FYP is on halt, i told everyone not to do anything till we meet up the advisor/supervisor.

That's pretty much about the progress in my studies and projects. Last Sunday, i took off due to some family matters to handle. Then, i asked for another off on 15th November, the day after WK's birthday. We had discussion on where we want to have his birthday dinner and well, we haven't decided where to dine in. We are looking for budget and affordable dinner.

Lifestyle, i am doing fine. Feeding myself with fruits and i seldom take oily foods these days. Hit the gym like at least once a week, see a lot of strong and muscular people in the gym too. Hence, it's a public gym, of course we see more things rather than gyming* in country club's gym. I do think they have nice body cutting, really hope to get one too, that's why i worked hard to gym.

Night life, beer and alcohol are kicks to bottom till the dawn comes. It's youth, we should do the things we can do now instead of waiting till we are older, we start to regret not doing so! Hahas. Recently, hang out with WK and ZhongHong. Both of them are really cool people to talk to, anything is steady and smooth. Hence, one word from them, it's like a sure-happen thing to them. They sure does things to make me laugh at most of the people, i guess. Sharon arh, you very lucky loh, must treasure him arh! :D

I think i shall stop my words here then.'s great, i guess. You guys should treasure and use it well from today! Get your bottom up from the chair, get thinking! Be a someone! Hahas...


Life without worries.

Sure hard to change my vain-ness habit. Hahas.
