First day of temp job

Today is my first day at work. Everything was smooth and I haven't met any unreasonable customer yet. Every now and then, I was worried about my weight. Making me more worried is that, I had fried noodles for lunch and dinner earlier, oily max.

Anyway, after looking at my schedule, I can plan to head to gym 2 times a week. For every 2 working days, I rest 1 day and this is just nice for my recovery duration to my gym session. I'm going to incorporate a 2D gym 1D jogging package into my schedule. I hope this work well so I can still stay fit and strong.

Back to my job, my tasks are pretty simple in short. I help out with errands, do some admin work and attend to customer who wanted to purchase/redeem vouchers or join member. Hmm...I touched on most of the stuffs but for the vouchers part, I'm still not very familiar yet. Tomorrow, I hope I'll be able to master all the stuffs. (:

That's summarized this post, I shall stop my words here then. Do drop by my blog again for more updates. :D

Story Closed on 14.06.2012.
