My next destination

After 3 months or 4 from my Taiwan's trip, I'm heading to Hong Kong in less than a month time. During this upcoming trip, I am going to cover some of the famous spots and cafes in the country. Other than that, I'll be heading over to Macau too. So well, there are many review posts coming up soon. I hope to bring as much insights and ideas to all tourists and Singapore travellers. Do expect many exciting posts and support me by sharing among your friends.

By the way, finally, I had finished watching '孤男寡女 (Yours Fatefully)' on MioTV demand. Now, catching up with the latest upcoming sitcom '花样人间 (Joys of Life)'. The show was really awesome, featuring many old, experienced actors and not to mention new generation actors too. There are many actors which you might wanted to catch in this sitcom such as famous Taiwanese actor, '黄鸿升(Allen Huang)', '瑞恩(Rui En)', '陈罗密欧(Chen Romeo)', '陈邦鋆(Cheng Pang Jun)' and so many great actors too. Do not miss this show, hahas. FYI, this upcoming sitcom is 35 episodes long. (:

Anyway, I had this upcoming trip planned only in a few weeks. It's quite fast, but, content wise, it should be quite rich and interesting. I got most information on tripadvisor and also the official website for Hong Kong Tourism Board. I also watched many Taiwanese travel show to help plan my trip.

Hmm...little spoiler, I will be going down Disneyland for this upcoming trip. Hahas, I guess I shall stop my words here. Do stay tuned for more updates! Btw, my poor Taiwan is suffering from heavy rain and flood these days, recover soon and fight on, Taiwanese people! 台湾加油!

*Remember to stop my music playlist on navi before playing the video below

The Hong Kong Tourism Board's Advertisment

花样人间 (Joys of Life) Cast interview
