New year and new resolutions

Finally, it's another new year. Time really flies and it is so fast that I couldn't even notice. Everyday, I have been busy with work, studies and stuffs...when time passed by, I goes like "Uh? It's 8 PM already?". Dots. This is reality, I guess and no one can stop time. Anyway, I hope this year would be a good year and it's the year I am turning to 24. Well, that's a really bad sign...I am getting old already! :(

Nevertheless, there are many things I have wanted to do and hopefully, I am able to get it done this year! Firstly, I would wanted to study for my degree and work hard for higher pay! Secondly, I wanted to go Japan for vacation trip (Well,...that is if I got a job)! Thirdly, I wanted to get a full time job (hopefully to get into RSAF, well...kind of not possible) to support my studies, loans and so much things else. Lastly, I really hope that I can get better in my body shape to stay fit and healthy! Hahas.

Youtube Rewind Style - 2012

DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2012

Looking back at the year 2012, many things did happened especially, that fake doomsday that somehow ridiculously mixed with Psy's Gangnam Style. Well, the year 2012 is one hell of year which I went rendezvous in 2 countries! I headed to Taiwan during March and it was really a fun and enjoyable trip. In July, I headed to Hong Kong and Macau for another short getaway trip. It was really fun too though it's much more expensive than the Taiwan trip but I still had fun heading around the cities for phototaking and food hunting. So what's next? Let's hope for the best...hahas.

Other than travelling, I also finally ORDed from my national service. BMT was tough and the ST course was a hell lot of training, I then ended my 2 years with another rifleman conversion course. Seriously, for what...I wondered too. The year 2012 is also a year with some of my friends got engaged and married. Not to mention also many wonderful birthdays which also took place in that year.

I had a wonderful and fruitful year. I really loved all my friends, my family and everyone who loved me for who I am! I appreciated all your cares, loves and concern in 2012 and this year, let's make it another year full of fun, tears and sweat. Below are photos all of my wonderful friends, family and everyone who had cared and supported me in terms of work and studies. If you are not in the photo, don't blame me? Hahas.

Coming to the end of this post, I wanted to thank every readers and friends for your support, liking my posts and I hope in the future, I can bring more interesting reads on foods and travels to you guys. Also, I would try to minimize as little rant(s) if possible. Hahas. Last but not least, I wishes all readers a very happy new year and may all the good luck goes with you! :D

Story Closed on 01.01.2013.
