L'etoile Cafe on a random Monday

Evening readers! I am back here for another post! This time round, I will be blogging my trip to L'etoile Cafe. So, if you would like to find out more, please read on! Without further ado, I shall start! Recently, there are more and more cafes popping up around the island. L'etoile Cafe is also one of the cafes which has opened its doors 2 years ago. It was featured on many blog sites too. The cafe has hosted several events such as the Dove Hair Media Launch & Havaiana Media Preview 2013.

L'etoile Cafe is located nearby Farrer Park MRT station and Nuffnang HQ. It's not too difficult to locate the store. They got this pillar that reads L'etoile in front of their cafe. The cafe is quiet and nice place to chill the afternoon off. In my opinion, it's a great place for coffee break. The pricing of the foods and drinks sold there is also reasonable too. You need not spend over S$20 for a relaxing afternoon break. The cafe has 2 floors and inside the cafe, you will find creative and cute decoration. Sure, it's a nice place to take a lot of nice photos too. Oh, by the way, I had the big breakfast and a cup of mocha.

The Cafe's Interior

Cute Menu

Stitch and my cup of mocha

My Big Breakfast! Yummy!

My sister also visited the cafe recently and she ordered their Fish 'n' Chips

L'etoile Cafe is also featured on Ladyironchef and Esther Xie's blogsite!!

L’etoile Cafe
160 Owen Road Singapore 218953
Mon - Fri: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Sat - Sun: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
FB: http://facebook.com/letoilesg

I visited the cafe on Monday and chilled there for about 30 minutes or so while using my ipad mini to edit some photos and stuffs before heading for my movie at Jurong Point. Anyway, I watched Thor: The Dark World and it was really a great movie. Also, I am looking forward to Captain America: The Winter Soldier next year! Hees, it's never too early to be excited.

I have come to the end of this short post and I hope you have enjoyed reading this post. Be sure to drop by soon for more updates, yea? Nevertheless, thanks for reading! Ciaos.

Story Closed on 20.11.2013.

#letoilecafe #foods #brunch #western #throwback #asian #cafe #singapore #sg #letoile #teabreak #coffeebreak #lunch #breakfast

Photo Credits:
- https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEja5P95snbw5BcHTBGFIUTitvRkbhGcmWy7kr9JXfxYR_GGrdxvWswdyuLvbkgidAQlS0qgyoczxQab6wjjYXzn6x5F6NUQMPyids7Gfet6o4NWgigVT-jlYPKVPWJBIwHoFkoD5Q/s1600/IMG_0617.JPG
- https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/313644_172669819474851_705600820_n.jpg
- https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/308980_170661619675671_1773085_n.jpg
- https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/310291_172666886141811_1598141884_n.jpg
