
Afternoon peeps, it's Sunday again. I am back here for another weekly update. In this short post, I will be sharing my visit to Hida Furukawa. This small town in Gifu was turned famous due to the rising popularity of the anime movie, Your Name. (君の名は。). In the movie, most of the scenes were captured in this town and Takayama which I have touched a bit in my last travelogue.

My visit to the movie spots!

Hida Furukawa is a quiet town located in the Gifu prefecture in Japan. It housed a number of small cafes and shrines which visitors can visit and enjoy. It's a nice place to spend a peaceful afternoon away from the bustling city life too.

Streets of the town

One of the cafes promoting the movie

One of the shrines I passed by

The red bridge

The humble town also housed a city library which in my opinion is really not small for a town. This library is also featured in the movie where Taki-kun is looking to find Mitsuha-chan. Visitor to the library can register for pass to take photos around the library to capture the moments seen in the movie. Just for your information, under normal situation, visitors cannot take photos in the library. Please take note! (気をつけてね!)

The library in the movie

If you like traditional stuffs, don't forget to drop by this small shop on the main street of the town where you can attend a charm ribbon tying workshop at a small fee. After the workshop, you can bring home your very own charm too. This ribbon tying was also featured in the movie too which is also one of the reasons that it became quite popular among fans recently.

The charm making experience (Credits to other Japanese bloggers)

Visit to the town is a bit troublesome as the train timing is not very frequent and for overseas visitors, please take note of this and plan your itinerary well. For me, as I always planned every Japan's trip myself, I have no issues meeting my own schedule. So, lesson of the day, must plan! Hahas. Nevertheless, there are tons of resources on the internet and personally, I trust those from the official websites like Japan Railways, Japan-Guide.com and Google Maps.

As I did not have much time, I briefly walked the town and headed back to the station to take the train back to Nagoya for dinner. But if you have more time, please enjoy yourself here. I hope my experience and places that I have visited can give you an insights of what to expect coming here! Cheers and see you in the next post!

Story closed on 11.06.2017.

Click below to read more about Your Name. the movie!

#wjalmighty #travelogues #travels #japan #jp #hidafurukawa #gifu #thingstosee #thingstodo #thingstoexpect #yourname

Photo Credits:
- https://cdn.mainichi.jp/vol1/2016/10/15/20161015k0000e040254000p/9.jpg?1
- https://topick.hket.com/res/v3/image/content/1655000/1656509/TRAVEL201702080208ES01et_018_1024.jpeg
- http://img.helpweixin.com/upload/content/0/229/229869_18.jpg
- https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/c/cycle_junrei/20161106/20161106203153.jpg
- https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/c/cycle_junrei/20161106/20161106210728.jpg
- http://noninews.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/kiminonawa39-1024x576.jpg
- http://noninews.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/kiminonawa38-1024x576.jpg
- https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/c/cycle_junrei/20161106/20161106211122.jpg
