Jurong Lake Run 2014

Yes, it's Sunday again! I am finally posting something new on my blog. Hahas, it's been almost a week since the last post. Anyway, to keep my post short, my week have been a normal one. Work went smoothly and of course, my Japanese studies also too. I decided to take up N5 at the end of the year, hopefully that it doesn't crash with my travel period. Last evening, I went for my 3rd marathon run of the year, Jurong Lake Run 2014. It was my first time participating and the experience was really good. I must say in terms of baggage, water points and restroom arrangement, overall of the event was pretty smooth and nice.

On the collection day, there are self check-in counters where runners are to scan their NRIC to get queue number to collect their race pack. It was much an organized one as there are much lesser queuing and more of shopping and seeing around the collection expo. Merchandise booths are setup for runners to look around and get their gears for the run too. Well, I love the cheerful and young volunteers. They made my run really an enjoyable one. Similar to Sundown's, the volunteers were in high spirit and friendly too.

The Collection Expo

Self Check-In Counters

I think there are only 2 water points in the 10 KM route, I believed that they should set up at least 3 water points? Nevertheless, I still managed to clear the run within an hour. Hmm, the medals and finisher tees were both pretty and amazingly in good quality. I am happy that the organizer engaged Eng Leong to do the medals. In fact, I think most marathon's organizers engaged them for the medal except Army Half Marathon and Real Run? I wondered why is it so, I think Eng Leong did a great job on the medal's craving and precise edges of the medals. Do you know that our NSF's ORD plaque is also made by Eng Leong? Hahas.

Setting aside my ranting on the supplier, in conclusion to my run, it was fun and enjoyable. What's the best part? There are carnival, movies after run and food booths too. You also get to run with celebrities if you are lucky enough! I hope that the organizer would incorporate loyalty rates for next year's run. Then, I may consider to join again since it's so near my home, hahas.

Jurong Lake Run 2014

Goodies from the run

Anyway, after my tiring run, I met up with Wendy and Wenya for dinner at Din Tai Fung and dessert at one of the Hong Kong dessert store at JEM's basement level. We had a great time and it was a nice meetup, I believed it's been months since we met up? Our next outing will be K session, yesh! I can't wait for it to come, I will miss them for now as classes are starting this July and yea, many big events coming up too. :(

Family photo of the day! :)

Alright, I have summarized my week in this short post. I will be back soon to blog more if I have the time. See ya soon, ciaos!

Story Closed on 22.06.2014.

Photo Credits:
- http://scontent-b.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/10453792_318751658283022_403539_n.jpg
- http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/10507895_319372058215056_1659028393_n.jpg
- http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xpf1/t51.2885-15/10388003_657538890995067_252060773_n.jpg
- https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10492416_666687723420640_4018110617766686583_n.jpg
- https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10469841_661009590655120_8640494158568257360_n.jpg

#wjalmighty #weeklypost #weeklyupdate #jlr2014 #juronglakerun #singapore #sg #marathon #run #lakeside

You may also like to read:
- Sundown Marathon 2014
- Sundown Marathon 2013
- Nike We Run SG 2013
- 2XU Compression Run 2014
- Electric Run SG 2014
